Stan's Legacy by Krissy Marshall, Founding Executive Director
I've known Stan and Cathy for many years. There are lots of fond memories but 2 things that really stick out in my mind.
1. We used to have an annual Senators' Game fundraiser. We sold tickets and enjoyed a game together as a big Family Promise family. Stan would often buy 18 or 20 tickets. He would sponsor a night out for the United Methodist Home for Children. He gave generously to Family Promise while at the same time allowing this group a fun night out when they might not have it otherwise.
2. When a family moves into their own place from our program, we gather furniture and their belongings and help to get them set up.
I remember one family move-out vividly. It was winter, and everything was frozen. There was ice on the ground.
Stan was the only volunteer brave enough to show that day. It was Stan, me, and the 6-month pregnant woman we were moving in.
Stan and I were carrying a couch up to the 3rd floor, and he cut his finger. Being on a blood thinner medication, he started to bleed all over the place, and I thought, "Boy, we are in trouble." But, of course, Stan just smiled and shrugged. The woman found a band-aid. We got him cleaned up and kept on with the move.
She was one of the most gracious people I can remember, and that move will be forever imprinted in my mind.
Stan, we'll miss your smile, your willingness to lend a helping hand, and your overwhelming generosity. Though we'll miss you, we'll never forget you.